I am a seismologist, post-doc researcher at Géoazur. I did my undergraduate studies in Geology in Chile (University of Concepción, 2008), and a PhD in Seismology in the UK (University of Liverpool, 2012). Prior to France, I worked as a postdoc researcher in Brazil (University of São Paulo) and USA (MIT).
My research focuses on seismicity and seismotectonics, earthquake source and aftershock sequences. During my academic career I have worked on several geotectonic environments: from subduction zones to crustal intraplate and induced seismicity, deep earthquakes and strike-slip fault systems. I have dedicated most of my investigation to convergent margins, in particular the Western South America subduction zone.
email: agurto -at- geoazur.unice.fr
UMR Géoazur
Campus Azur du CNRS
250 rue Albert Einstein
- CS 10269 - F 06905 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Cedex
+33 (0)483 618 500