Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. A. Górszczyk, R. Almeida, R. Brossier, L. Métivier and S. Operto, Constraining the effect of bathymetric high subduction in an accretionary wedge: evidence from the Tokai area of the Nankai Trough, Japan, G-Cubed, in-press.
  2. G. Guo and S. Operto, Model-based seismic data redatuming with time-domain data-assimilated wavefield reconstruction, Geophysicsl Journal International, accepted pending minor revisions.
  3. G. Guo and S. Operto, Time domain full waveform inversion with decomposed Gauss-Newton Hessian, Geophysics, submitted.
  4. S. Beller, R. Caiza-Grivalja, L. Combe, and S. Operto, Multiparameter elastic Full Waveform Inversion of 4C OBN data with spectral elements: first inferences from the Gorbon FWI case study, The Leading Edge, special issue Elastic FWI, in-press.
  5. X. Zhou, S. Sambolian, H. Lang, and S. Operto, Topography-dependent eikonal solver with anellipitical factorization for anisotropic media, Geophysical Prospecting, 73(2), p. 595 - 610,2025.
  6. S. M. Ranjbaran, H. S. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, S. Operto and K. Avanaki, "Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography Using Iteratively Refined Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion: A Simulation Study," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2023.3324922.
  7. G. Guo, S. Operto, A. Gholami, and H. Aghamiry, A practical implementation of data-space Hessian in the time-domain extended-source full-waveform inversion, Geophysics, in-press.
  8. S. Operto, A. Gholami, H. Aghamiry, G. Guo, S. Beller, K. Aghazade, F. Mamfoumbi, L. Combe, and A. Ribodetti, Extending the search-space of Full Waveform Inversion beyond the single-scattering Born approximation: a tutorial review, Geophysics, 88(6), R671-R702,
  9. Y. Wu, H. S. Aghamiry, S. Operto, and J. Ma , Helmholtz-equation solution in nonsmooth media by a physics-informed neural network incorporating quadratic terms and a perfectly matching layer condition, Geophysics, 88:4, T185-T202, 2023, .
  10. A. Gholami, H. S. Aghamiry, and S. Operto, Multiplier waveform inversion: A reduced-space full-waveform inversion by the method of multipliers, Geophysics, 88:3, R339-R354, 2023.
  11. S. Operto, P. Amestoy, H. Aghamiry, S. Beller, A. Buttari, L. Combe, V. Dolean, M. Gerest, G. Guo, P. Jolivet, J.-Y. L'Excellent, F. Mamfoumbi, T. Mary, C. Puglisi, A. Ribodetti, P.-H. Tournier, Is 3D frequency-domain FWI of full-azimuth/long-offset OBN data feasible? - The Gorgon-data FWI case study, The Leading Edge, Special section on Full Waveform Inversion, March 2023,
  12. P.-H. Tournier, P. Jolivet, V. Dolean, H. Aghamiry, S. Operto and S. Riffo, Three-dimensional finite-difference and finite-element frequency-domain wave simulation with multi-level optimized additive Schwarz domain-decomposition preconditioner: A tool for FWI of sparse node datasets, Geophysics,
  13. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, L. Combe and S. Operto, Accurate 3D frequency-domain seismic wave modeling with the wavelength-adaptive 27-point finite-difference stencil: a tool for full waveform inversion, Geophysics,
  14. K. Aghazade, A. Gholami, H. S. Aghamiry, and S. Operto, Randomized Source Sketching for Full Waveform Inversion, IEEE TGRS, 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3131039 .
  15. K. Aghazade, A. Gholami, H. S. Aghamiry, and S. Operto, Anderson accelerated augmented Lagrangian for extended waveform inversion, Geophysics, 87(1), R79-R81, 2022,
  16. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, S. Operto and A. Malcom, ADMM-based full waveform inversion for microseismic imaging, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 228, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 259–274,
  17. A. Gholami, H. Aghamiry & S. Operto, Extended-space full waveform inversion in the time domain with the augmented Lagrangian method, Geophysics, 87(1), R63--R77, 2022,
  18. S. Sambolian, A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti and B. Tavakoli, Mitigating the ill-posedness of first-arrival traveltime tomography with slopes: application to the eastern Nankai Trough OBS dataset (Japan), Geophysical Journal International, Volume 227, Issue 2, November 2021, Pages 898–921,
  19. H. Aghamiry, F. W. Mamfoumbi, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Efficient extended-search space full-waveform inversion with unknown source signatures, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 227, Issue 1, October 2021, Pages 257–274,
  20. S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti and S. Operto, Consistent event relocation and subsurface parameters inversion through slope tomography: a variable-projection approach, Geophysical Journal International, 224(3), 1956-1979, 2021,
  21. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Complex-valued Imaging with Total Variation Regularization: An Application to Full-Waveform Inversion in Visco-acoustic Media, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 14(1), 58–91, 2021,
  22. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, On efficient frequency-domain full-waveform inversion with extended search space, Geophysics,86(2), R237--R252, 2021,
  23. A. Gorszczyk and S. Operto, GO_3D_OBS - The Nankai Through-inspired benchmark geomodel for seismic imaging methods assessment and next generation 3D surveys design, Geoscientific Model Development (GMD),
  24. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Full Waveform Inversion by proximal Newton methods using adaptive regularization, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 224, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 169–180,
  25. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Multi-parameter wavefield reconstruction inversion for wavespeed and attenuation with bound constraints and  total variation regularization, Geophysics, 85(4): R381-R396, 2020,
  26. J. X. Dessa, M. O. Beslier, L. Schenini, N. Chamot-Rooke, N. Corradi, M. Deslescluse, J. Deverchère, C. Larroque, S. Sambolian, A. Canva, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, H. Agurto-Dertzel, C. Bulois, C. Chalumeau and L. Combe. Seismic Exploration of the Deep Structure and Seismogenic Faults in the Ligurian Sea by Joint Multi Channel and Ocean Bottom Seismic Acquisitions: Preliminary Results of the SEFASILS Cruise, Geosciences, 10(3), 108, 2020,
  27. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Accurate and efficient wavefield reconstruction in the time domain, Geophysics, 85(2), A7--A12, 2020,
  28. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Robust Wavefield Inversion with Phase Retrieval, Geophysial Journal International,  221(2): 1327-1340, 2020,
  29. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto. Compound Regularization of Full-waveform Inversion for Imaging Piecewise Media, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(2),1192-1204, 2020, 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2944464.
  30. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, ADMM-based multi-parameter wavefield reconstruction inversion in VTI acoustic media with TV regularization, Geophysical Journal International, 219(2), 1316--1333, 2019,
  31. A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, L. Schenini and Y. Yamada, Crustal-scale depth imaging via joint FWI of OBS data and PSDM of MCS data: a case study from the eastern Nankai Trough, Solid Earth, 10, 765--784, 2019,
  32. S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli and J. Virieux, Parsimonious slope tomography based on eikonal solvers and the adjoint-state method, Geophysical Journal International, 218(1), 456--478, 2019,
  33. B. Tavakoli, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, Matrix-free anisotropic slope tomography: theory and application, Geophysics, 84(1), R35-R57, 2019,
  34. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Implementing bound constraints and total-variation regularization in extended full waveform inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier: application to large contrast media, Geophysical Journal International, 218(2), 855-872, 2019,
  35. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Improving full-waveform inversion by wavefield reconstruction with alternating direction method of multipliers, Geophysics, 84(1), R139-R162, 2019,
  36. S. Operto and A. Miniussi, On the role of density and attenuation in 3D multi-parameter visco-acoustic VTI frequenc-domain FWI:  an OBC case study from the North Sea, Geophysical Journal International, 213(3), 2037--2059, 2018,
  37. W. Zhou, R. Brossier, S. Operto, J. Virieux and P. Yang, Velocity Model Building by Waveform Inversion of Early Arrivals and Reflections: a 2D Case Study with Gas Cloud Effects, Geophysics, 83(2), R141-R157, 2018,
  38. S. Beller, V. Monteiller, L. Combe, S. Operto, and G. Nolet. On the sensitivity of teleseismic full waveform inversion to earth parametrisation, initial model and acquisition design, Geophysical Journal International, 212(2), pages 1344--1368, 2018,
  39. S. Beller, V. Monteiller, S. Operto, G. Nolet, and A. Paul. Lithospheric architecture of the south-western alps revealed by multi-parameter teleseismic full-waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 212(2), pages 1369--1388, 2018,
  40. A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, and M. Malinowski. Towards a robust workflow for deep crustal imaging by FWI of OBS data: the eastern Nankai trough revisited, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122(6), pages 4601--4630, 2017,
  41. B. Tavakoli, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and A. Ribodetti. Adjoint stereotomography: a velocity macro-model building tool. Geophysical Journal International, 209(3), pages 1629--1647, 2017,
  42. L. Métivier, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Full waveform inversion and the truncated newton method. SIAM Review , 59(1):153--195, 2017,
  43. J. Virieux, R. Brossier, L. Métivier, S. Operto, and A. Ribodetti, Direct and indirect inversions, Journal of Seismology, 20, 1107--1121, 2016,
  44. P. Amestoy, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi and S. Operto, Fast 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion with a parallel Block Low-Rank multifrontal direct solver: application to OBC data from the North Sea, Geophysics, 81(6), pages R363 - R383, 2016,
  45. S. Operto, A. Miniussi, R. Brossier, L. Combe, L. Métivier, V. Monteiller, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux, Efficient 3-D frequency-domain mono-parameter full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data: application to Valhall in the visco-acoustic vertical transverse isotropic approximation, Geophysical Journal International, 202(2):1362--1391, 2015,
  46. W. Zhou, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Full waveform inversion of diving waves and reflected waves for velocity model building with impedance inversion based on scale separation, Geophysical Journal International, 202(3), 1535--1554, 2015,
  47. L. Métivier, R. Brossier, S. Labbé, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. A robust absorbing layer for anisotropic seismic wave modeling, Journal of Computational Physics, 279, pages , pages 218--240, 2014, .
  48. C. Castellanos, L. Métivier, S. Operto, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Fast full waveform inversion with source encoding and second-order optimization methods, Geophysical Journal International, 200, pages 718--742, 2015,
  49. S. Operto, R. Brossier, L. Combe, L. Métivier, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. Computationally-efficient visco-acoustic finite-difference frequency-domain seismic modeling in vertical transversely isotropic media with sparse direct solvers. Geophysics, 79(5), 2014,
  50. E. Mauffroy, S. Gaffet, S. Operto, Y. Guglielmi, and D. Boyer. Travel time inversion from ground level to gallery: protocol for the characterization of P-wave signature in a fractured-porous Urgonian platform at hectometric scale, Near surface geophysics, 2014,
  51. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Velocity-model building from seismic reflection data by full waveform inversion, Geophysical Prospecting, 63(2), pages 354 - 367, 2015,
  52. L. Métivier, F. Bretaudeau, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Full waveform inversion using the truncated newton method: quantitative imaging of complex subsurface structures, Geophysical Prospecting, 62, pages 1362--1375, 2014,
  53. S. Operto, R. Brossier, Y. Gholami, L. Métivier, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. Multi-parameter full waveform inversion with multi-component data: from theory to practice, The Leading Edge, September, Full Waveform Inversion special issue:1040 -- 1054, 2013,
  54. V. Prieux, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Multiparameter full waveform inversion of multicomponent OBC data from Valhal. Part 1: imaging compressional wavespeed, density and attenuation, Geophysical Journal International, 194(3):1640--1664, 2013,
  55. V. Prieux, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Multiparameter full waveform inversion of multicomponent OBC data from Valhall. Part 2: imaging compressional and shear-wave velocities, Geophysical Journal International, 194(3):1665 -- 1681, 2013,
  56. L. Métivier, R. Brossier, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Full waveform inversion and the truncated Newton method, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(2):B401 -- B437, 2013,
  57. D. Pageot, S. Operto, M. Vallée, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. A parametric analysis of two-dimensional elastic full waveform inversion of teleseismic data for lithospheric imaging, Geophysical Journal International, 193:1479--1505, 2013,
  58. Y. Gholami, R. Brossier, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and Jean Virieux. Which parametrization for acoustic VTI full waveform inversion? - Part 1: sensitivity and trade-off analysis, Geophysics, 78(2):R81--R105, 2013,
  59. Y. Gholami, R. Brossier, S. Operto, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, and Jean Virieux. Which parametrization for acoustic VTI full waveform inversion? - Part 2: application to Valhall, Geophysics, 78(2):R107--R124, 2013,
  60. V. Prieux, G. Lambaré, S. Operto, and Jean Virieux. Building starting model for full waveform inversion from wide-aperture data by stereotomography, Geophysical Prospecting, 61 (Issue supplement: 60 year anniversary issue):109--137, 2012, 10.1111/j.1365-2478.2012.01099.x.
  61. V. Prieux, R. Brossier, Y. Gholami, S. Operto, J. Virieux, O.I. Barkved, and J.H. Kommedal, On the footprint of anisotropy on isotropric full waveform inversion: the Valhall case study, Geophysical Journal International, 187:1495--1515, 2011,
  62. A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, W. Agudelo, J.-Y. Collot, and J. Virieux, Joint ray+born least-squares migration and simulated annealing optimization for high-resolution target-oriented quantitative seismic imaging, Geophysics, 76(2):R23, 2011,
  63. A. Romdhane, G. Grandjean, R. Brossier, F. Réjiba, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Shallow structures characterization by 2D elastic waveform inversion, Geophysics, 76(3):R81, 2011,
  64. M. Malinowski, S. Operto, and A. Ribodetti, High-resolution seismic attenuation imaging from wide-aperture onshore data by visco-acoustic frequency-domain full waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 186(3):1179--1204, 2011,
  65. F. Sourbier, A. Haiddar, L. Giraud, H. Ben-Hadj-Ali, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Three-dimensional parallel frequency-domain visco-acoustic wave modelling based on a hybrid direct/iterative solver, Geophysical Prospecting, 59(5):834--856, 2011,
  66. H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, An efficient frequency-domain full waveform inversion method using simultaneous encoded sources, Geophysics, 76(4):R109, 2011,
  67. Romain Brossier, Stéphane Operto, and Jean Virieux, Which data residual norm for robust elastic frequency-domain full waveform inversion? Geophysics, 75(3):R37--R46, 2010,
  68. J. Virieux and S. Operto, An overview of full waveform inversion in exploration geophysics, Geophysics, 74(6):WCC1--WCC26, 2009,
  69. J. Virieux, S. Operto, H. Ben Hadj Ali, R. Brossier, V. Etienne, F. Sourbier, L. Giraud, and A. Haidar, Seismic wave modeling for seismic imaging, The Leading Edge, 28(5):538--544, 2009,
  70. Florent Sourbier, Stéphane Operto, Jean Virieux, Patrick Amestoy, and Jean-Yves L'Excellent, FWT2D: A massively parallel program for frequency-domain full-waveform tomography of wide-aperture seismic data--Part 1: Algorithm, Computers & Geosciences, 35(3):487 -- 495, 2009,
  71. Florent Sourbier, Stéphane Operto, Jean Virieux, Patrick Amestoy, and Jean-Yves L'Excellent, FWT2D: A massively parallel program for frequency-domain full-waveform tomography of wide-aperture seismic data--Part 2: Numerical examples and scalability analysis, Computers & Geosciences, 35(3):496 -- 514, 2009,
  72. Stefan Buske, Isabelle Lecomte, Tamas Nemeth, Stéphane Operto, and Valenti Sallares, Imaging and inversion - introduction. Geophysics, 74(6):WCA1--WCA4, 2009,
  73. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Seismic imaging of complex onshore structures by 2D elastic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion, Geophysics, 74(6):WCC105--WCC118, 2009,
  74. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Robust frequency-domain full-waveform inversion using the l1 norm. Geophysical Research Letters, 36:L20310, 2009,
  75. S. Operto, J. Virieux, A. Ribodetti, and J. E. Anderson, Finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of visco-acoustic wave propagation in two-dimensional TTI media, Geophysics, 74 (5):T75--T95, 2009,
  76. W. Agudelo, A. Ribodetti, J.-Y. Collot and S. Operto, Joint inversion of multichannel seismic reflection and wide-angle seismic data: Improved imaging and refined velocity model of the crustal structure of the north Ecuador--south {C}olombia convergent margin, Journal of Geophysical Research (solid earth), 114, B02306, 2009, 10.1029/2008JB005691.
  77. M. Malinowski and S. Operto, Quantitative imaging of the Permo-Mesozoic complex and its basement by frequency domain waveform tomography of wide-aperture seismic data from the Polish basin. Geophysical Prospecting, 56:805--825, 2008,
  78. R. Brossier, J. Virieux, and S. Operto, Parsimonious finite-volume frequency-domain method for 2-D P-SV-wave modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 175(2):541--559, 2008,
  79. H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Velocity model building by 3D frequency-domain, full-waveform inversion of wide-aperture seismic data, Geophysics, 73(5):VE101--VE117, 2008,
  80. J. L. Got, V. Monteiller, J. Virieux and S. Operto, Potential and limits of double-difference tomographic methods, Geophysical Prospecting, 56(4), pages 477--491, 2008,
  81. M. Delost, J. Virieux and S. Operto, First-arrival traveltime tomography using second generation wave, Geophysical Prospecting, 56(4), 505--526, 2008,
  82. S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy, J-Y. L'Excellent, L. Giraud, and H. Ben Hadj Ali, 3D finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of visco-acoustic wave propagation using a massively parallel direct solver: A feasibility study, Geophysics, 72(5):SM195--SM211, 2007,
  83. S. Operto, J. Virieux, J. X. Dessa, and G. Pascal, Crustal imaging from multifold ocean bottom seismometers data by frequency-domain full-waveform tomography: application to the eastern Nankai trough, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(B09306):doi:10.1029/2005JB003835, 2006,
  84. C. Gélis, D. Leparoux, J. Virieux, A. Bitri, S. Operto, and G. Grandjean, Numerical modeling of surface waves over shallow cavities, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 10:49--59, 2005,
  85. A. Ribodetti, S. Gaffet, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and G. Saracco, Asymptotic waveform inversion for unbiased velocity and attenuation measurements: numerical tests and application for Vesuvius lava sample analysis, Geophysical Journal International, 158:353--371, 2004,
  86. C . Ravaut, S. Operto, L. Improta, J. Virieux, A. Herrero, and P. dell'Aversana, Multi-scale imaging of complex structures from multi-fold wide-aperture seismic data by frequency-domain full-wavefield inversions: application to a thrust belt, Geophysical Journal International, 159:1032--1056, 2004,
  87. B. Hustedt, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Mixed-grid and staggered-grid finite difference methods for frequency-domain acoustic wave modelling, Geophysical Journal International, 157:1269--1296, 2004,
  88. J. X. Dessa, S. Operto, S. Kodaira, A. Nakanishi, G. Pascal, J. Virieux, and Y. Kaneda, Multiscale seismic imaging of the eastern nankai trough by full waveform inversion, Geophysical Research Letters, 31(L18606):doi:10.1029/2004GL020453, 2004,
  89. J. X. Dessa, S. Operto, S. Kodaira, A. Nakanishi, G. Pascal, K. Uhira, and Y. Kaneda. Deep seismic imaging of the eastern Nankai trough (Japan) from multifold ocean bottom seismometer data by combined traveltime tomography and prestack depth migration, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(B02111), 2004,
  90. S. Operto, C. Ravaut, L. Improta, J. Virieux, A. Herrero, and P. Dell'Aversana, Quantitative imaging of complex structures from dense wide-aperture seismic data by multiscale traveltime and waveform inversions: a case study, Geophysical Prospecting, 52:625--651, 2004,
  91. B. Hustedt, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, A multi-level direct-iterative solver for seismic wave propagation: space and wavelet approaches, Geophysical Journal International, 155(12):953--980, 2003,
  92. I. Borissova, M. F. Coffin, P. Charvis, and S. Operto, Structure and development of microcontinent: Elan bank in the southern Indian Ocean, Geochemistry-Geophysics-Geosystems, 4:1--16, 2003,
  93. G. Lambaré, S. Operto, P. Podvin, Ph. Thierry, and M. Noble, 3-D ray+Born migration/inversion - Part 1: theory, Geophysics, 68:1348--1356, 2003,
  94. S. Operto, G. Lambaré, P. Podvin, and Ph. Thierry, 3-D ray-Born migration/inversion. Part 2: application to the SEG/EAGE overthrust experiment, Geophysics, 68(4):1357--1370, 2003,
  95. J. Y. Collot, P. Charvis, M. A. Gutscher, and S. Operto, Exploring the Ecuador-Colombia active margin and interplate seismogenic zone. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 148(83):185,189--190, 2002,
  96. S. Operto, J. Virieux, B. Hustedt, and F. Malfanti, Adaptative wavelet-based finite-difference modelling of SH-wave propagation. Geophysical Journal International, 148:1--28, 2002,
  97. A. Ribodetti, H. P. Valero, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and D. Gibert. Geophysical tomography by viscoacoustic asymptotic waveform inversion of ultrasonic laboratory data. IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 50(5):1404--1412, 2001.
  98. K. McIntosh, F. Akbar, C. Calderon, P. Stoffa, S. Operto, G. Christeson, Y. Nakamura, T. Shipley, E. Flueh, A. Stavenhagen, and G. Leandro, Large aperture seismic imaging at a convergent margin: Techniques and results from the Costa Rica seismogenic zone. Marine Geophysical Researches, 21:451--474, 2000,
  99. S. Operto, S. Xu, and G. Lambaré, Can we image quantitatively complex models with rays? Geophysics, 65(4):1223--1238, 2000,
  100. A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, J. Virieux, G. Lambaré, H.-P. Valéro, and D. Gibert, Asymptotic viscoacoustic diffraction tomography of ultrasonic laboratory data : a tool for rock properties analysis, Geophysical Journal International, 140:324--340, 2000, /10.1046/j.1365-246x.2000.00015.x.
  101. J. Virieux, A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, and E. Augier, Imagerie sismique haute fréquence, Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 170(Numéro spécial: aux frontières des Géosciences):69--83, 1999.
  102. P. Thierry, S. Operto, and G. Lambaré, Fast 2-D ray-Born inversion/migration in complex media, Geophysics, 64(1):162--181, 1999, .
  103. Ph. Charvis and S. Operto, Structure of the Cretaceous Kerguelen Volcanic Province (southern Indian ocean) from wide-angle seismic data, Journal of Geodynamics, 28:51--71, 1999,
  104. M. Recq, J. Goslin, Ph. Charvis, and S. Operto, Small-scale crustal variability within an intraplate structure: the Crozet bank (southern Indian ocean), Geophysical Journal International, 134:145--156, 1998,
  105. S. Operto and Ph.Charvis, Deep structure of the southern Kerguelen plateau (southern Indian ocean) from ocean bottom seismometer wide-angle seismic data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101:25077--25103, 1996,
  106. Ph. Charvis, M. Recq, S. Operto, and D. Brefort, Deep structure of the northern Kerguelen plateau and hotspot-related activity, Geophysical Journal International, 122:899--924, 1995,
  107. S. Operto and Ph. Charvis, Kerguelen Plateau: a volcanic passive margin fragment? Geology, 23:137--140, 1995,
  108. Ph. Charvis, S. Operto, L. K. Konnecke, M. Recq, Y. Hello, F. Houdry, P. Lebellegard, R. Louat, and F. Sage, Stucture profonde du domaine nord du plateau de Kerguelen (océan Indien austral): résultats préliminaires de la campagne MD6/KeOBS, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 316:341--347,1993.

Proceedings - Expanded abstracts

  1. S. Beller, R. Caiza-Grijalva, L. Combe, and S. Operto, Multiparameter elastic FWI of 4C OBN data with spectral elements: Application to Gorgon. EAGE Annual meeting, WS8 Elastic FWI. What for?, Toulouse, France.
  2. R. Caiza-Grijalva, S. Beller, L. Combe, and S. Operto, Multiparameter elastic FWI with spectral elements: synthetic and field examples, EAGE Annual meeting, , Toulouse, France.
  3. T. Rolin, D. Auroux, L. Combe, and S. Operto, Algorithmic and practical aspects of TV regularization for joint time-lapse FWI, EAGE Annual meeting, , Toulouse, France.
  4. C. Pedebidou, P. Jolivet, L. Combe, and S. Operto, Large-scale frequency-domain wave modeling with hybrid direct-iterative solver and domain-decomposition preconditioner.EAGE Annual meeting,, Toulouse, France.
  5. P. Amestoy, S. Beller, A. Buttari, L. Combe, F. Faucher, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, S. Operto, and C. Puglisi, MUMPS4FWI project: High-resolution geophysical imaging with MUMPS solver, Restitution day of HPC Grand Challenge Adastra Genoa organized by GENCI and CINES .
  6. H. S. Aghamiry and S. Operto, Optimizing survey design for FWI with Mixed-Integer Programming and Bi-Level Optimization, IMAGE'24, Houston.
  7. G. Guo and S. Operto, Regional exploration of crustal structures from long-offset OBN data by extended-source FWI, IMAGE'24, Houston.
  8. X. Zhou, A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, Slope estimation of locally coherent events by polarization analysis of multi-component seismic data: application to stereotomography for sparse node acquisition, IMAGE'24, Houston.
  9. S. Operto, P. Amestoy, S. Beller A. Buttari, L. Combe, F. Faucher, P. Jolivet J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, S. Migeon, Pushing the limits of 3D frequency-domain FWI with the 2015/2016 OBN Gorgon dataset, 85st Annual EAGE Meeting (Oslo), oral presentation (FWI case histories).
  10. G. Guo, H. Aghamiry and S. Operto, Model-based seismic redatuming with time-domain data-assimilated wavefield reconstruction, 85st Annual EAGE Meeting (Oslo), Poster presentation.
  11. S. Beller and S. Operto, A frequency-domain spectral-element solver for fluid-solid media, 85st Annual EAGE Meeting (Oslo), Oral presentation.
  12. F. Mamfoumbi, H. Aghamiry and S. Operto, Assessing Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion with 2015/2016 OBN Gorgon data, 85st Annual EAGE Meeting (Oslo), Poster presentation.
  13. S. Operto on behalf WIND team, Extending the linear regime of FWI with extended sources: from theory to practice, WS13: Status and challenges of extended domain FWI.
  14. G. Guo, S. Operto, and H. Aghamiry, Time-domain extended-source full-waveform inversion for acoustic vertically transversely isotropic media: Theory, numerical validation and application on real data, Expanded Abstracts, The International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, 2023.
  15. H. S. Aghamiry, A. Gholami , S. Operto, and M. Freitag, Efficient seismic redatuming using least-squares time-reversal, 84st Annual EAGE Meeting (Vienna), 2023.
  16. G. Guo, S. Operto, H. Aghamiry, and A. Gholami, Weighted time-domain extended-source full waveform inversion with layer stripping, 84st Annual EAGE Meeting (Vienna), 2023.
  17. G. Guo, S. Operto, and H. Aghamiry Time domain full waveform inversion with decomposed Gauss-Newton Hessian, 84st Annual EAGE Meeting (Vienna), 2023.
  18. S. Operto, et al. 3D frequency-domain FWI of full-azimuth/long-offset OBN data - The Gorgon-data FWI case study, 84st Annual EAGE Meeting (Vienna), 2023.
  19. Y. Wu, H. Aghamiry, S. Operto and J. Ma, Frequency-domain wave simulation using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) with free surface boundary condition, 84st Annual EAGE Meeting (Vienna), 2023.
  20. Kamal Aghazade, Hossein S Aghamiry, Ali Gholami, and Stephane Operto, Multiparameter wavefield reconstruction inversion in elastic media using augmented Lagrangian, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022. 
  21. Kamal Aghazade, Hossein S Aghamiry, Ali Gholami, and Stephane Operto, Sketched waveform inversion (SWI): an efficient augmented Lagrangian based full-waveform inversion with randomized source sketching, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022.
  22. Guo Gaoshan, Stephane Operto, Ali Gholami and Hossein S Aghamiry, Approximate data-domain Hessian in extended-source time-domain full waveform inversion using matching filter and conjugate gradient method, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022.
  23. Arash Rezaei, Hossein S. Aghamiry, Kamal Aghazade, Ali Gholami, and Stephane Operto, Improving block conjugate gradient method by randomized sketching for large-scale frequency-domain WRI, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022.
  24. Xiaole Zhou, Serge Sambolian, Haiqiang Lan, Ling Chen, and Stephane Operto, First-arrival traveltime + slope tomography in tilted anisotropic media with undulant topography, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022.
  25. Mahdi. Sonbolestan, Hossein. S. Aghamiry, Ali. Gholami, and Stephane Operto, On the role of data-space Hessian in wavefield reconstruction inversion, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022.
  26. Hossein. S. Aghamiry, Ali. Gholami, and Stephane Operto, Highly-accurate wavefield reconstruction inversion using convergent Born series, 83st Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2022.
  27. N. Bootland, V. Dolean, P. Jolivet, F. Nataf, S. Operto and P.-H. Tournier, Several ways to achieve ronustness when solving wave propagatiion problems, Proceeding of the 26th International Domain Decomposition Conference, DD XXVI, in Hong Kong, China, 2021.
  28. H. S. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto, Dual variable compression: remedy the memory issue of full-space approaches for full-waveform inversion. 91st Annual SEG meeting (Denver),2021.
  29. A. Gholami, H. Aghamiry, and S. Operto. A data reconstruction inversion approach to extended FWI.91st Annual SEG meeting (Denver), 2021.
  30. A. Gholami, H. Aghamiry, and S. Operto. Clarifying some issues on Extended FWI: scattered-field equation, time reversal and source reconstruction. 91st Annual SEG meeting (Denver), 2021.
  31. H. S. Aghamiry, F. W. Mamfoumbi-Ozoumet, A. Gholami, and S. Operto, ADMM-based full-waveform inversion with unknown source signatures. 91st Annual SEG meeting (Denver), 2021.
  32. A. Rezaei, H. S. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto, Iterative reconstruction of data assimilated wavefields in the extended-source full-waveform inversion. 82nd Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2021.domain. 82nd Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2021.
  33. K. Aghazadeh, A. Gholami, H. S. Aghamiry, and S. Operto, Augmented Lagrangian based full-waveform inversion with Anderson acceleration. 82nd Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2021.
  34. P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, L. Combe, M. Gerest, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, S. Operto, and C. Puglisi, Up to date assessment of 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion based on the sparse multifrontal solver MUMPS, 5th EAGE workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream, 2021.
  35. P.-H. Tournier, V. Dolean, P. Jolivet, L. Combe, S. Operto, S. Riffo, Large-scale finite-difference and finite-element frequency-domain seismic wave modeling with multi-level domain-decomposition preconditioner, 5th EAGE workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream, 2021.
  36. V. Dolean, P. Jolivet, P.-H. Tournier and S. Operto, Large-scale frequency-domain seismic wave modeling on {\it{h}}-adaptive tetrahedral meshes with iterative solver and multi-level domain-decomposition preconditioners, In 90th Annual SEG Meeting (Houston), 2020.
  37. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Wavefield inversion for microseismic imaging, In 90th Annual SEG Meeting (Houston), 2020.
  38. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Simultaneous wavespeed and attenuation reconstruction by complex-valued optimization with adaptive BM3D regularization, In 90th Annual SEG Meeting (Houston), 2020.
  39. S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. From slope tomography to FWI: is the conventional workflow viable in complex settings? In 90th Annual SEG Meeting (Houston), 2020.
  40. S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux.  Revisiting the hypocenter-velocity problem through a slope tomography inspiration, In 90th Annual SEG Meeting (Houston), 2020.
  41. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Robust full waveform inversion for sparse ultra-long offset OBN data, 82nd EAGE Seabed Seismic Today: From acquisition to application, Abu Dhabi, 2020.
  42. V. Dolean, P. Jolivet, P.-H. Tournier and S. Operto, Iterative frequency-domain seismic wave solvers based on multi-level domain-decomposition preconditioner, In 82th Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2020.
  43. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Wavefield inversion with adaptive regularization, In 82th Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2019.
  44. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. On the robustness of sparsity-promoting regularized wavefield inversion with phase retrieval against coarse sampling of sources and receivers, In 82th Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2019.
  45. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Computationally-efficient frequency-domain wavefield reconstruction inversion with direct solver, In 82th Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2019.
  46. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Proximal-Newton methods to solve non-linear problems with non-smooth regularization, In 82th Annual EAGE Meeting (Amsterdam), 2019.
  47. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto, On the robustness of l1-regularized ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion against coarse sampling of sources and receivers. In 89th Annual SEG Meeting (San Antonio), 2019.
  48. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto, Robust ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion with phase retrieval. In 89th Annual SEG Meeting (San Antonio), 2019.
  49. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Extending the search space of Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) by Alternating Direction of Multipliers (ADMM)}. In SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2019.
  50. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Implementing Bound Constraints and Hybrid Total-Variation + Tikhonov Regularization in Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. In SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2019.
  51. S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli and J. Virieux. On the Parametrization of Slope Tomography: Its Implication on the Velocity-position Coupling. SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Mar 2019, Houston, United States.
  52. S. Sambolian, A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli, and J. Virieux. Building initial model for FWI from ultra long-offset OBN data by first-arrival travel-time + slope tomography. In 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London), 2019.
  53. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Joint estimation of velocity and attenuation by frequency-domain TV-regularized wavefield. In 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London), 2019.
  54. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Wavefield reconstruction inversion with enhanced hybrid Tikhonov and TV regularization for imaging piece-wise smooth media. In 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London), 2019.
  55. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Multi-parameter ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion in VTI acoustic media. In 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London), 2019.
  56. A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, and L. Combe. Synthetic study on the crustal-scale imaging via FWI of the 3D OBS data - building a realistic benchmark model of a subduction zone. In SEISMIX 2018, International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins,Kraków. IG PAS, 2018.
  57. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Hybrid Tikhonov + Total-Variation regularization for imaging large-contrast media by full waveform inversion. In Expanded Abstracts, 88th Annual SEG Meeting (Anaheim), 2018.
  58. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Improving full-waveform inversion based on wavefield reconstruction via iterative update of data and sources. In Expanded Abstracts, 80th Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
  59. H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami, and S. Operto. Full waveform inversion in contrasted media via total variation constraints and split Bregman optimization. In Expanded Abstracts, 80th Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
  60. S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli F., and J. Virieux. Parsimonious slope tomography based on eikonal solvers and the adjoint-state method. In Expanded Abstracts, 80th Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
  61. B. Tavakoli F., S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, S. Sambolian, and J. Virieux. Anisotropic first arrival slope and traveltime tomography (FASTT). In Expanded Abstracts, 80th Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
  62. S. Operto and A. Miniussi. Vertical wavespeed, density and attenuation imaging by 3D efficient frequency-domain FWI of wide-azimuth OBC data - a North Sea case study. In 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, Paris, 2017.
  63. B. Tavakoli F., S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. Anisotropic slope tomography based on Eikonal solver and adjoint-state method. In 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, 2017.
  64. W. Zhou, R. Brossier, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and P. Yang. Joint fwi for velocity model building: a real case study in the viscoacoustic approximation. In 87th SEG Conference and Exhibition 2017, Houston, 2017.
  65. B. Tavakoli F., A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Adjoint stereotomography. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, pages 5269–5273, 2016.
  66. W. Zhou, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Joint full waveform inversion of early arrivals and reflections: a real obc case study with gas cloud. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, pages 1247–1251. SEG, 2016.
  67. A. Gorszczyk, M. Malinowski, and S. Operto. Crustal-scale imaging frim ultra-long offset node data by full-waveform inversion - How to do it right? In Proceedings of the 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. EAGE, Vienna, 2016.
  68. P. Amestoy, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, J. Virieux, and C. Weisbecker. Efficient 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data with sparse block low-rank direct solver: a real data case study from the North Sea. In Expanded Abstracts, 85th Annual SEG Meeting (New Orleans), 2015.
  69. P. Amestoy, , R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and C. Weisbecker. 3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a parallel BLR multifrontal direct solver. In Expanded Abstracts, 85th Annual SEG Meeting (New Orleans), 2015.
  70. S. Operto, A. Miniussi, R. Brossier, L. Combe, N. Haller, E. Kjos, L. Métivier, R. Milne, A. Ribodetti, Z. Song, J. Virieux, and Y. Zheng. Efficient 3d frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data: application to valhall in the visco-acoustic vti approximation. In Expanded Abstracts, 77th Annual EAGE Meeting (Madrid), 2015.
  71. S. Beller, V. Monteiller, S. Operto, G. Nolet, L. Combe, L. Métivier, J. Virieux, T. Nissen-Meyer, A. Paul, and L. Zhao. 3d elastic full waveform inversion of teleseismic data for high-resolution ospheric imaging. In 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015, 2015.
  72. B. Tavakoli F., A. Ribodetti, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. An iterative factored eikonal solver for TTI media. In SEG technical program expanded abstracts 2015, volume 687, pages 3576–3581, 2015.
  73. W. Zhou, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Combining diving waves and reflected waves for velocity model building by waveform inversion. In 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, 2014.
  74. S. Operto, R. Brossier, L. Combe, L. Métivier, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. A frequency-domain seismic modeling engine for 3d visco-acoustic VTI full waveform inversion of fixed-spread data. In 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, 2014.
  75. S. Operto, R. Brossier, L. Combe, L. Métivier, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. Three-dimensional finite-difference frequency-domain visco-acoustic wave modeling in vertical transversely isotropic media with sparse direct solvers: application to seismic imaging. In 12eme Congrès Français d’Acoustique (CFA), Poitiers, 2014.
  76. C. Weisbecker, P. Amestoy, O. Boiteau, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L’Excellent, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. 3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a block low-rank algebraic multifrontal direct solver. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007, 2013.
  77. R. Brossier, V. Etienne, G. Hu, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Performances of 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion based on frequency-domain direct-solver and time-domain modeling: application to 3D OBC data from the Valhall field. International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, page IPTC 16881, 2013.
  78. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Toward Data-domain Waveform Inversion of Reflected Waves. In EAGE Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013, page Workshop F01, 2013.
  79. T.L. Tonellot, S. Operto, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. 2D waveform inversion for near surface characterization - application to a land dataset from saudi arabia. In EAGE Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013, pages FWI – Elastic Near Surface, DOI:10.3997/2214–4609.20130296, 2013.
  80. C. Castellanos-Lopez, L. Métivier, S. Operto, and R. Brossier. Fast full waveform inversion with source encoding and second order optimization methods. In 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, page We 11 10, 2013.
  81. R. Brossier, L. Métivier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Application of a preconditoned truncated Newton method to full waveform inversion. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, 2013.
  82. V. Etienne, G. Hu, S. Operto, J. Virieux, O.I. Barkved, and J. Kommedal. Three-dimensional acoustic full waveform inversion: algorithm and application to Valhall. In Expanded Abstracts, 74th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen. EAGE, 2012.
  83. Y. Gholami, R. Brossier, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, J. Virieux, O. Barkved, and J. Kommedal. 2D Multi-parameter VTI Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion of Wide-aperture OBC Data from the Valhall Field. In Expanded Abstracts, 74th AnnualEAGE Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen. EAGE, 2012.
  84. G. Hu, V. Etienne, C. Castellanos, S. Operto, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Assessmentof 3D acoustic isotropic full waveform inversion of wide-azimuth OBC data fromValhall. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2012, pages 1–6, 2012.
  85. L. Métivier, R. Brossier, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. The truncated newton method for full waveform inversion. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2012, pages 1–5, 2012.
  86. L. Métivier, R. Brossier, J., and S. Operto. Toward gauss-newton and exact newton optimization for full waveform inversion. In EAGE, 74th Conference and Exhibition, page This issue, 2012.
  87. D. Pageot, S. Operto, M. Vallée, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Two-dimensional elastic full-waveform inversion of passive teleseismic data for lithospheric imaging. In Expanded Abstracts, 74th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen. EAGE, 2012.
  88. V. Prieux, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Two-dimensional anisotropic visco-elastic full waveform inversion of wide-aperture 4C OBC data from the Valhall field. In Expanded Abstracts. EAGE, 2012.
  89. J. Virieux, R. Brossier, L. Métivier, V. Etienne, and S. Operto. Challenges in the full waveform inversion regarding data, model and optimisation. In Expanded Abstracts. EAGE, 2012.
  90. C. Castellanos, V. Etienne, G. Hu, S. Operto, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Algorithmic and methodological developments towards full waveform inversion in 3d elastic media. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, pages 2793–2798, 2011.
  91. V. Etienne, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Application of the discontinuous Galerkin finite-element method to sismic modelling and imaging. In Expanded Abstracts, 73th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna. EAGE, 2011.
  92. Y. Gholami, R. Brossier, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. Acoustic vti full waveform inversion: Sensitivity analysis and realistic synthetic examples. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, pages 2465–2470, 2011.
  93. Y. Gholami, R. Brossier, S. Operto, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux. Two-dimensional acoustic anisotropic (VTI) full waveform inversion: The Valhall case study. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, pages 2543–2548, 2011.
  94. L. Giraud, H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto, F. Sourbier, and J. Virieux. 3-D Parallel Frequency-domain Visco-acoustic Wave Modelling based on a Hybrid Direct/Iterative Solver. In Expanded Abstracts, 73th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna. EAGE, 2011.
  95. J. Virieux, R. Brossier, H. Calandra, V. Etienne, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and R. E. Plessix. An overview of numerical methods suitable for geophysical imaging. In Expanded Abstracts, 73th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna. EAGE, 2011.
  96. J. Virieux, S. Operto, A. Asnaashari, R. Brossier, C. Castellanos, V. Etienne, Y. Gholami, G. Hu, D. Pageot, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, and A. Roques. A multi-scale strategy for handling broadband seismic data. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, pages 4360–4373, 2011.
  97. R. Brossier, Y. Gholami, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. 2D frequency-domain seismic wave modeling in VTI media based on a hp adaptive discontinuous galerkin method. In Expanded Abstracts, 72th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, page C046, 2010
  98. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Robust Frequency-domain Multi-parameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion. In Expanded Abstracts, 72th Annual InternationalMeeting, EAGE, page G004, 2010.
  99. V. Etienne, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Seismic modelling with the discontinuous Galerkin finite-element method: application to complex 3D elastic media. In Expanded Abstracts, 72th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona. EAGE, 2010.
  100. V. Etienne, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and Y. Jia. Computational issues and strategies related to full waveform inversion in 3d elastic media: methodological developments. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, pages 1050–1054, 2010.
  101. Y. Gholami, A. Ribodetti, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Sensitivity analysis of full waveform inversion in VTI media. In Expanded Abstracts, 72th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, page 8192, 2010.
  102. Y. Gholami, A. Ribodetti, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Imaging of VTI media from wide-aperture data by frequency-domain full-waveform inversion. In Expanded Abstracts, 72th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, 2010.
  103. Y. Gholami, A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Imaging of VTI media by elastic frequency-domain full waveform inversion of global offset data. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, volume 197, pages 998–1002, 2010.
  104. D. Pageot, S. Operto, M. Vallée, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data by frequency-domain elastic full-waveform tomography. In Expanded abstracts, page WS6. EAGE, 2010.
  105. V. Prieux, S. Operto, G. Lambaré, and J. Virieux. Building starting model for full waveform inversion from wide-aperture data by stereotomography. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, volume 195, pages 988–992, 2010.
  106. V. Prieux, S. Operto, R. Brossier, J. Virieux, J.H. Kommendal, and O.I. Barkved. Application of 2D acoustic frequency-domain full waveform inversion to OBC wide-aperture data from the Valhall field. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, volume 182, pages 920–924.
  107. H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Efficient 3D Frequency-domain Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) with Phase Encoding. In Expanded Abstracts, page 5812. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2009.
  108. H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Three-dimensional frequency-domainfull waveform inversion with phase encoding. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2009, volume 460, pages 2288–2292.
  109. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. 2D elastic frequency-domain full-waveforminversion for imaging complex onshore structures. In Expanded Abstracts, page U019. EAGE, 2009.
  110. R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Two-dimensional seismic imaging of the Valhall model from synthetic OBC data by frequency-domain elastic full-waveform inversion. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2009, volume 461, pages 2293–2297. SEG, 2009.
  111. V. Etienne, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. A massively parallel time domain discontinuous Galerkin method for 3D elastic wave modeling. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2009, pages 2657–2661.
  112. V. Etienne, J. Virieux, N. Glinsky, and S. Operto. Seismic Modelling with Discontinuous Galerkin Finite-element Method - Application to Large Scale 3D Elastic Media. In Expanded Abstracts, 71th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam. EAGE, 2009.
  113. V. Prieux, S. Operto, R. Brossier, and J. Virieux. Application of acoustic full waveform inversion to the synthetic Valhall velocity model. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2009, volume 456, pages 2268–2272, 2009.
  114. M. Malinowski, A. Ribodetti, and S. Operto. Estimating in Situ Rock Properties by Multiparameter Full Waveform Inversion - A Case Study. In Expanded Abstracts. EAGE/SEG, 2009.
  115. A. Romdhane, G. Grandjean, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and F. Réjiba. Full Waveform Inversion of Seismic Data for 2D Shallow Structures Imagery : Limitations and Perspectives. In Expanded Abstracts, page P002. EAGE, 2009.
  116. H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and F. Sourbier. 3D frequency domain full waveform tomography based on a domain decomposition forward problem. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2008, volume 390, pages 1945–1949, 2008.
  117. R. Brossier, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. 2D frequency domain elastic full waveform inversion using a finite-volume forward problem. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2008, volume 404, pages 2016–2020, 2008.
  118. V. Etienne, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. A 3D parsimonious Finite-Volume Frequency-Domain method for elastic wave modelling. In Expanded Abstracts, 70th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Rome. EAGE, 2008.
  119. Y. Gholami, A. Ribodetti, R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Imaging of VTI media from wide-aperture data by frequency-domain full-waveform inversion. In Expanded Abstracts, 72th Annual meeting. EAGE, 2008.
  120. L. Improta, S. Operto, C. Piromallo, and L. Valoroso. High resolution imaging of basin-bounding normal faults in the southern Apennines seismic belt (Italy) by combined traveltime and frequency-domain full-waveform tomography. In 70th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, London, pages Workshop 11, Full–waveform inversion, 2008.
  121. M. Malinowski and S. Operto. Quantitative imaging of the Permo-Mesozoic complex and its basement by frequency domain waveform tomography of wide-aperture seismic data from the Polish Basin. In 70th Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition, London, pages Workshop 11, Full–waveform inversion, 2008.
  122. F. Sourbier, A. Haidar, L. Giraud, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Frequency domain full waveform modeling using a hybrid direct iterative solver based on a parallel domain decomposition method: A tool for 3D full waveform inversion? In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2008, volume 430, pages 2147–2151, 2008.
  123. H. Ben Hadj Ali and S. Operto and J. Virieux and F. Sourbier. 3D acoustic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007, volume 350, pages 1730–1734, 2007.
  124. H. Ben Hadj Ali and S. Operto and J. Virieux and P. Amestoy and J-Y. L’Éxcellent and L. Giraud. 3D Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation Using a Massively Parallel Direct Solver. In Expanded Abstracts, page C027. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2007.
  125. R. Brossier, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Finite-volume method for 2D PSV elastodynamic equations in frequency-domain with velocity parsimonious formulation. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007, volume 424, pages 2094–2098, 2007.
  126. M. Grini, A. Ribodetti, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of acoustic wave propagation in 2D TTI anisotropic media. In Expanded Abstracts, page P323. EAGE, 2007.
  127. M. Malinowski, A. Ribodetti, and S. Operto. Multiparameter full-waveform inversion for velocity and attenuation - Refining the imaging of a sedimentary basin. In Expanded Abstracts, page P276, 2007.
  128. S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, M. Grini, and J. Virieux. Mixed-grid finite-difference frequency-domain viscoacoustic modeling in 2D TTI anisotropic media. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007, volume 425, pages 2099–2103, 2007.
  129. F. Sourbier, S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy, and J.Y L’Excellent. A massively parallel frequency-domain full waveform inversion algorithm for imaging acoustic media: Application to a dense OBS data set. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007, volume 383, pages 1893–1897, 2007.
  130. W. Agudelo, A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and J.Yves Collot. 2D fine-scale imaging of the subduction channel in Gulf of Guayaquil by integrated iterative PSDM and simulated annealing optimization. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2006, volume 433, pages 2151–2155, 2006.
  131. M. Delost, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and F. Adler. Introducing wavelets in traveltime tomography: application to foothills. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2006, pages 3403–3407, 2006.
  132. M. Delost, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Adaptive traveltime tomography using wavelets. In Expanded Abstracts, page P156. EAGE, 2006.
  133. M. Malinowski and S. Operto. Benefits of Full-Waveform Modelling and Inversion. A Case Study from the Polish Basin. In Expanded Abstracts. EAGE, 2006.
  134. S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy, L. Giraud, and J. Y. L’Excellent. 3D frequency-domain finite-difference modeling of acoustic wave propagation using a massively parallel direct solver: a feasibility study. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2006, pages 2265–2269, 2006.
  135. S. Operto, J. Virieux, and J. X. Dessa. Frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of OBS wide-angle seismic data. In Expanded Abstracts. EAGE, 2006.
  136. A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, W. Agudelo, and J. Virieux. Integrated prestack depth migration/inversion and simulated annealing optimization for structural model building. In Expanded Abstracts. EAGE, 2006.
  137. W. Agudelo, A. Ribodetti, S. Operto, B. Delouis, and J. Y. Collot. Integrated PSDM and simulated annealing optimization for decollement 2D quantitative imaging. page 273. Eur. Ass. Expl. Geophys, 2005.
  138. S. Operto, J. Virieux, and A. Ribodetti. Multiple arrival migration/inversion of real global aperture seismic data. In Expanded Abstracts, page P272. EAGE, 2005.
  139. S. Operto, J. X. Dessa, and J. Virieux. Crustal seismic imaging from ocean bottom seismometer data by full waveform tomography. In Expanded Abstracts, page P271. EAGE, 2005.
  140. P. Henry, S. Operto, Si. Lallemand, J.-X. Dessa, V. Martin, M. Noble, H. Tokuyama, S. Kodaira, S. Kuramoto, and M. Kinoshita. Deformation processes and earthquakes in Nankai. ENSMP, 2004. Proceedings of 2004 GeoHazards Workshop, Shizuoka, Japan.
  141. J. Virieux, S. Operto, A. Herrero, C. Ravaut, L. Improta, and P. Dell’Aversana. Seismic imaging of superficial structures by traveltime and wavefield tomographies. In Processing and imaging of seismic data: using explicit or implicit velocity model information? EAGE/SEG, 2003.
  142. C. Ravaut, S. Operto, L. Improta, A. Herrero, J. Virieux, and P. Dell’Aversana. Seismic imaging of a thrust belt by traveltime and frequency-domain waveform inversions. In Extended Abstracts. Eur. Ass. Expl.Geophys., 2002.
  143. S. Operto, J. Virieux, F. Malfanti, and B. Hustedt. Adaptive seismic wave modeling in wavelet bases. In Proceedings of the Fifth international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, pages 858–862. SIAM-INRIA, 2000.
  144. A. Ribodetti, P. Thierry, G. Lambaré, and S. Operto. Improved multiparameter ray+born migration/inversion. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2000, pages 1032–1035, 2000.
  145. S. Operto, G. Lambaré, P. Podvin, and Ph. Thierry. Removing acquisition footprint on 3D ray-Born inversion : application to the Overthrust model. In Extended Abstracts, 60th annual meeting (June 8-12, Leipzig). Eur. Ass. Geosc. Eng., 1998.
  146. S. Operto, G. Lambaré, P. Podvin, and P. Thierry. Removing acquisition footprint on 3D ray+born inversion of the OVERTHRUST model. In Extended Abstracts Book. SEG/EAGE, 1998.S. Operto, S. Xu, and G. Lambaré. Can we image quantitatively complex models with rays? In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1998, pages 1120–1123.
  147. S. Operto, S. Xu, and G. Lambaré. Ray+Born migration/inversion in complex media. In Expanded Abstracts, International geophysical meeting (June 22-25, Beijing), pages 359–362. CPS/Soc. Expl. Geophys., 1998.
  148. S. Operto, S. Xu, and G. Lambaré. Ray+Born migration/inversion in complex media. In Extended Abstracts Book, Workshop -Depth imaging of reservoir attributes- (August 2-5, Boussens). Soc. Expl. Geophys./Eur. Ass. Geosc. Eng., 1998.
  149. A. Ribodetti, H. P. Valero, S. Operto, J. Virieux, and D. Gibert. Viscoacoustic asymptotic waveform inversion of ultrasonic laboratory data. In Extended Abstracts, pages 5–01. Eur. Ass. Expl.Geophys., 1998.
  150. S. Xu, S. Operto, and G. Lambaré. Can we image complex structures with ray-born inversion? In Extended Abstracts, pages 5–08. Eur. Ass. Expl.Geophys., 1998.
  151. S. Operto, G. Lambaré, P. Podvin, and Ph. Thierry. 3D ray+born inversion of the SEG/EAGE overthrust model. In Extended Abstracts. SEG/EAGE, 1997.
  152. S. Operto, P. Podvin, G. Lambaré, and Ph. Thierry. 3D preserved amplitude prestack imaging of the OVERTHRUST model. In Extended Abstracts. Eur. Ass. Expl.Geophys., 1997.
  153. S. Operto, G. Lambaré, and Ph. Thierry. CPU efficient ray+Born inversion for complex velocity field. In Extended Abstracts, 59th annual meeting (May 26-30, Geneva). Eur. Ass. Geosc. Eng., 1997.

In books

  1. R. Brossier, V. Etienne, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Frequency-domain numerical modelling of visco-acoustic waves based on
     finite-difference and finite-element discontinuous galerkin methods. In D. W. Dissanayake, editor, Acoustic Waves, pages 125--158. SCIYO, 2010,
  2. J. Virieux and S. Operto. An overview of full waveform inversion in exploration geophysics. In GEOPHYSICS today: a survey of the field as the journal celebrates its 75th anniversary, page ISBN: 9781560802266 (13). Society of Exploration Geophysics, 2010.
  3. J. Virieux, V. Etienne, V. Cruz-Atienza, R. Brossier, E. Chaljub, O. Coutant, S. Garambois, D. Mercerat, V. Prieux, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Tago. Modelling seismic wave propagation for geophysical imaging. In M. Kanao, editor, Seismic Waves - Research and Analysis, pages 253--304. InTech, 2012,
  4. F. Sourbier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Acoustic full-waveform inversion in the frequency domain. In W.~Marzochi and A.~Zollo, editors, Conception, verification and application of innovative techniques to study active volcanoes, pages 295--307. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, 2008.
  5. M. Delost, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Multi-scale decomposition of velocity structure and application to first-arrival tomography. In W. Marzochi and A. Zollo, editors, Conception, verification and application of innovative techniques to study active volcanoes, pages 181--192. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, 2008.
  6. C. Gélis, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Elastic full waveform inversion in the frequency domain. In W. Marzochi and A. Zollo, editors, Conception, verification and application of innovative techniques to study active volcanoes, pages 221--231. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, 2008.
  7. B. Hustedt, S. Operto, and J. Virieux. Mixed-grid and staggered-grid finite-difference methods for frequency-domain acoustic wave modeling. In J. O. A. Robertsson, J. O. Blanch, K. Nihei, and J. Tromp, editors, Numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation: gridded two-way wave-equation methods, page 34. Society of Exploration Geophysics - Geophysics reprint series No. 28, 2012.
  8. S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy, J. Y. L'Excellent, L. Giraud, and H. Ben-Hadj-Ali. 3D finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of visco-acoustic wave propagation using a massively parallel direct solver: a feasibility study. In J. O. A. Robertsson, J. O. Blanch, K. Nihei, and J. Tromp, editors, Numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation: gridded two-way  wave-equation methods, page~35. Society of Exploration Geophysics - Geophysics reprint series No. 28, 2012.
  9. R. Brossier, J. Virieux, and S. Operto. Parsimonious finite-volume frequency-domain method for 2-d p-sv wave modelling.
    In J. O. A. Robertsson, J. O. Blanch, K. Nihei, and J. Tromp, editors, Numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation: gridded two-way wave-equation methods, page~37. Society of Exploration Geophysics - Geophysics reprint series No. 28, 2012.


  1. Mohammadi, N., Beller, S., Monteiller, V., and Operto, S.: 3D high-resolution imaging of lithospheric VP, VS, and density structure in the Alps using full-waveform inversion of the teleseismic P waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13742,, 2023.
  2. Beller, S., Mohammadi, N., Monteiller, V., and Operto, S.: Preliminary 3D isotropic full-waveform inversion model of the Alpine lithosphere from assimilation of AlpArray teleseismic body waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6772,, 2023.
  3. S Sambolian, B Tavakoli F, A Górszczyk, S Operto, A Ribodetti, J Virieux (2018), Mitigating the ill-posedness of first-arrival traveltime tomography using slopes: application to crustal imaging from OBS data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  4. S Sambolian, J Virieux, S Operto, A Ribodetti (2018), Double-difference/slope tomography by a variational projection approach, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  5. Borhan F Tavakoli, Philippe Le Bouteiller, Ludovic Métivier, Stéphane Operto, Alessandra Ribodetti, Serge Sambolian, Jean Virieux (2018), Seismic tomography with traveltimes and source/receiver slopes based on Eikonal and adjoint equations, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20, page 10114.
  6. S Beller, V Monteiller, S Operto, G Nolet, A Paul, L Zhao (2017), Lithospheric structure of the Western Alps as seen by full-waveform inversion of CIFALPS teleseismic data, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19, 17086.
  7. S Beller, V Monteiller, S Operto, G Nolet, A Paul, L Zhao (2015). Increasing resolution of lithospheric images by full-waveform inversion of teleseismic data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  8. V Monteiller, S Beller, S Operto, J Virieux (2015), Influence of global heterogeneities on regional imaging based upon full waveform inversion of teleseismic wavefield, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17.
  9. S Beller, V Monteiller, S Operto, G Nolet, J Virieux, A Paul, L Zhao (2015), The Western Alps lithospheric structure, preliminary results from Full-Waveform Inversion of CIFALPS data, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17.
  10. S Beller, V Monteiller, S Operto, G Nolet, J Virieux, A parametric analysis of lithospheric imaging by Full-Waveform Inversion of teleseismic body-waves, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17.
  11. (invited talk) J. Virieux, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, H. Ben Hadj Ali, R. Brossier , V. Etienne, Y. Gholami, G. Hu, Y. Jia, D. Pageot and V. Prieux. (2010) Efficient 2D and 3D multiparameters frequency-domain full waveform inversion. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (US), S42A-01.
  12. D. Pageot, S. Operto, M. Vallée, R. Brossier and J. Virieux. (2010) Lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data by frequency-domain elastic full-waveform tomography. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (US), S31A-2036.
  13. Brossier R., S. Operto and J. Virieux. (2010) Multiparameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion : 2D synthetic applications. ESC General Assembly, Montpellier (Fr), SW3/TH/O1.
  14. (invited talk) Brossier R., S. Operto and J. Virieux. (2010) 2D multi-parameter elastic seismic imaging by frequency-domain L1-norm full waveform inversion. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Aut), vol 12, EGU2010-7755.
  15. Brossier R., S. Operto and J. Virieux. (2009) Robust frequency-domain elastic Full Waveform Inversion : which norm? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (US), NS31A-1149.
  16. D. Pageot, S. Operto, M. Vallée and J. Virieux (2009). Lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data by frequency-domain full-waveform tomography. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract S31D-07.
  17. Brossier R., J. Virieux and S. Operto. (2008) 2D Seismic Imaging of Elastic Parameters by Frequency Domain Full Waveform Inversion. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (US), S11C-1766.
  18. Brossier R., J. Virieux and S. Operto. (2008) Parsimonious finite-volume frequency domain method for 2D P-SV-wave modeling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Aut), vol 10, EGU2008-A-05459.
  19. Malinowsky, M. and Operto, S. (2006). Full-waveform modeling and inversion of wide-aperture data from the Polish basin. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU.
  20. Agudelo, W., Ribodetti, A., Collot, J. Y., Operto, S., and Delouis, B. (2005). Small scale seismic velocities and change in fluid pressure along the decollement by 2D quantitative imaging. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume~86. American Geophysical Union.
  21. Gélis, C., Virieux, J., Grandjean, G., and Operto, S. (2005). 2D elastic full-waveform inversion in a space frequency domain formulation: application to near surface areas characterization. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 86. American Geophysical Union.
  22. Operto, S., Virieux, J., and Dessa, J. X. (2005). \newblock High-resolution crustal seismic imaging from obs data by full-waveform inversion: application to the eastern-nankai trough. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume~86. American Geophysical Union.
  23. Gelis, C., Virieux, J., Operto, S., Grandjean, G., and Leparoux, D. (2004b). Frequency-domain finite difference simulations for near surface media. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume~6. EGU.
  24. Cruz-Atienza, V. M., Virieux, J., Peyrat, S., and Operto, S. (2004). Non planar dynamic rupture in a 3{D} finite difference approach. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume 6. EGU.
  25. Dessa, J. X., Operto, S., Kodaira, S., Nakanishi, A., Pascal, G., Uhira, K. Kaneda, Y., and Virieux, J. (2004a). High-resolution crustal imaging of the eatern-nankai subduction zone from multifold OBS data by multiscale traveltime and wavefield tomography. Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume 6. EGU.
  26. Dessa, J. X., Operto, S., Virieux, J., Kodaira, S., Nakanishi, A., Kaneda, Y., and Pascal, G. (2004b). New seismic method for studying deep Earth motion.  In AGU Journal highlights, volume 21 octobre 2004. American Geophysical Union.
  27. Gailler, A., Charvis, P., Operto, S., Collot, J. Y., and Flueh, E. (2004). Modeling of the subduction channel along the ecuadorian convergent margin using wide-angle seismic data. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume~6. EGU.
  28. Gelis, C., Virieux, J., Grandjean, G., Leparoux, D., and Operto, S. (2004a). Full waveform elastic inversion in a space frequency domain formulation: a powerful geotechnical tool for superficial reconstruction. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 85 (47). American Geophysical Union.
  29. Agudelo, W., Calahorrano, A., Ribodetti, A., Collot, J. Y., Sage, F., and Operto, S. (2003). 2D prestack ray+born depth migration of a MCS profile from ecuadorian subduction zone. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume~5. EGS-AGU-EGU.
  30. Cruz-Atienza, V.~M., Virieux, J., and Operto, S. (2003). Dynamic rupture simulation of bent faults with a new finite difference approach. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume~5. EGS-AGU-EGU.
  31. Dessa, J. X., Operto, S., Kodaira, S., Nakanishi, A., Uhira, K., Kaneda, Y. Pascal, G., and Hustedt, B. (2003). Deep imaging of the eastern nankai trough through a dense OBS array.  In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume~5. EGS-AGU-EGU.Lallemant, S., Henry, P., Martin, V., Noble, M., Dessa, J.~X., and Operto, S. (2003). Structure and evolution of a splay fault system in the Tokai segment of Nankai trough.Martin, V., Henry, P., Lallemant, S. J., Dessa, J. X., Noble, M., and Operto, S. (2003). Discontinuous accretion in the Tokai segment of {N}ankai trough. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 84 (46). American Geophysical Union.
  32. Mascle, J., Camera, L., Chamot-Rooke, N., Costis, C., Gaullier, V., Loncke, L., Nielsen, C., Operto, S., Ribodetti, A., Sage, F., Sallares, V., Schenini, L., and Skharinov, S. (2003). New constraints on the deep structure of the eastern Mediterranean sea from new MCS seismic reflection data. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume 5. EGS-AGU-EGU.
  33. Cruz-Atienza, V. M., Virieux, J., and Operto, S. (2002). Dynamic rupture simulation of bending faults with a finite difference approach. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 83 (47). American Geophysical Union.
  34. Dessa, J. X., Operto, S., Kodaira, S., Nakanishi, A., Uhira, K., Kaneda, Y.,Pascal, G., and Hustedt, B. (2002a). Deep structure of the eastern Nankai trough from multi-fold wide-angle seismic data. In Abstract book, volume SE032. European Geophysical Society.
  35. Dessa, J. X., Operto, S., Kodaira, S., Nakanishi, A., Uhira, K., Kaneda, Y., Pascal, G., and Hustedt, B. (2002b). Developments in the tomographic processing of eastern-Nankai trough OBS data. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 83 (47). American Geophysical Union.
  36. Hustedt, B., Operto, S., and Virieux, J. (2002a). Frequency domain modelling by a direct-iterative solver: a space and wavelet approach. In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 83 (47). American Geophysical Union.
  37. Hustedt, B., Operto, S., and Virieux, J. (2002b). Staggered finite difference stencils in frequency domain modelling. In Abstract book, volume A-03974. European Geophysical Society.
  38. Ribodetti, A., Operto, S., and Collot, J.Y. (2002). Two-dimensional quantitative imaging of a gas hydrate bottom-simulating reflector on the Comlombie-Ecuador convergent margin from multichannel seismic reflection data by asymptotic waveform inversion. In  Abstract book, volume SE085. European Geophysical Society.
  39. Sage, F., Marcaillou, B., Schenini, L., Operto, S., Graindorge, D., and Collot, J.~Y. (2002). Conventional processing sequence applied to the IFREMER 360 channel-seismic data: example of the SISTEUR}2000 multichannel seismic data recorded offshore the Equatorian and Colombian margins. In Abstract book, volume SE029. European Geophysical Society.
  40. Operto, S., Virieux, J., Hustedt, B., and Cruz, V. (2002). Accurate boundary conditions in an adaptive wavelet-based finite difference method: applications to the free surface boundary condition anf the dynamic rupture problem. In Abstract book, volume SE124. European Geophysical Society.
  41. Ravaut, C., Operto, S., Improta, L., Herrero, A., Virieux, J., and Dell'Aversana, P. (2002). Quantitative imaging of a thrust belt from wide-angle seismic data by traveltime and frequency-domain waveform inversions. In Abstract book, volume SE110. European Geophysical Society.
  42. Hustedt, B., Operto, S., and Virieux, J. (2001). Frequency domain seismic forward modelling: staggered stencils or star stencils? InEOS Trans. AGU, volume 82 (47). American Geophysical Union.
  43. Collot, J. Y., Charvis, P., Taboada, A., Agudelo, W., Berrones, G., Bourgois, J., Dumont, J.~F., Graindorge, D., Gutscher, M.~A., Jimenez, D., Marcaillou, B., Michaud, F., Operto, S., Sage, F., Sallar\`es, V., Spence, G., and Villamar, R. (2001). Inter-plate structures at the Ecuador-Colombia Margin: Preliminary results of the deep MCS Sisteur cruise. In Annales Geophysical. EUG.
  44. Operto, S., Virieux, J., Malfanti, F., and Hustedt, B. (2000b). Adaptive seismic wave modeling in wavelet bases. In Abstract book. European Geophysical Society.
  45. Operto, S., Virieux, J., and Hustedt, B. (2000a). Adaptive wavelet finite-difference sh wave propagation (awfd). In EOS Trans. AGU, volume 81 (48). American Geophysical Union.
  46. Operto, S., Sage, F., Béthoux, N., Rollet, N., Anglade, A., and Moreau, A. (1999). Résultats pr\'eliminaires de la campagne de sismique grand-angle Geolig2D: structure profonde de la marge nord du bassin ligure. Société Géologique de France.
  47. Charvis, P., Operto, S., Lesne, O., and Royer, J. Y. (1997). Velocity structure of the kerguelen volcanic province from wide-angle seismic data: petrological implications. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  48. Akbar, F., Calderon, C., Operto, S., Stoffa, P.~L., Sen, M. K., Varela, C., McIntosh, K., and Shipley, T. (1995). Three-dimensional prestack Kirchhoff depth migration of obs data from offshore Costa Rica. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  49. Christeson, G., Operto, S., McIntosh, K., Nakamura, Y., Shipley, T. H., Stoffa, P. L., Fluh, E., Bialas, J., Bartschat, U., and Stavenhagen, A. (1995). Structure of the subduction zone off nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica, from wide-angle OBS data. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  50. Operto, S., Calderon, C., Stoffa, P., Akbar, F., McIntosh, K., Shipley, T. H., Floyd, J., Nakamura, Y., Pulliam, J., and Christeson, G. (1995). Premiminary 3D velocity structure offshore costa rica: traveltime inversion from 2D intersecting in-line seismic profiles. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  51. Operto, S. and Charvis, P. (1995). Deep structure of the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean). In Newsletter of commission on large-volume basaltic provinces, page 3. International association of volcanology and chemistry of earth's interior.
  52. Charvis, P., Operto, S., Royer, J. Y., and Recq, M. (1995). Deep structure and origine of the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean. In Annales Geophysicae, page C129. European Geophysical Society.
  53. Operto, S. and Charvis, P. (1994a). Layering of the lower crust beneath the Southern Kerguelen Plateau (Indian Ocean). In Annales Geophysicae, page C41. European Geophysical Society.
  54. Charvis, P., Lepine, J. C., Driad, L., de Voogd, B., Pou, S., Gallart, J., Operto, S., Toussaint, B., Hello, Y., and Pontoise, B. (1994). Lithospheric transect of a hot spot: seismic data from La Reunion, Indian ocean. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  55. Ribodetti, A., Virieux, J., Operto, S., and Gaffet, S. (1994). Asymptotic imaging of the Q attenuation factor. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  56. Recq, M., Operto, S., and Charvis, P. (1994). The kerguelen plateau: a hot spot-related oceanic crust? In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  57. Operto, S. and Charvis, P. (1994). Wide-angle reflections modelling of a layered crust-mantle transition beneath the Kerguelen plateau. In EOS Trans. AGU. American Geophysical Union.
  58. Charvis, P., Hello, Y., O'Brien, W., Operto, S., Pontoise, B., Toussaint, B. de Voogd, B., Hirn, A., Danobeitia, J., and the MD76 scentific party (1994a). Deep structure of a hot spot volcano from seismic refraction data (La Reunion Island. In Annales Geophysicae, page C36. EUG.
  59. Charvis, P., Lépine, J. C., Driad, L., de Voogd, B., Pou, S., Gallart, J., Operto, S., Toussaint, B., Hello, Y., and Pontoise, B. (1994b). Lithospheric transect of a hot-spot: seismic data from La Réunion Island.
  60. Roux, S. L., Dietrich, M., Glangeaud, F., Charvis, P., Deverchère, J., and  Operto, S. (1994). Sea bottom effects at low seismic frequencies: observations and modelling.
  61. Charvis, P. and Operto, S. (1992). Variation in the crustal structure beneath the Kerguelen Plateau. In EOS Trans. AGU, page 582. American Geophysical Union.
  62. Operto, S., Charvis, P., Glangeaud, F., and Vanpé, J.~M. (1992a). P- and S- waves velocity structure of an oceanic crust from 3-component OBS data. In  Annales Geophysicae, page C22. European Geophysical Society.
  63. Operto, S., Charvis, P., and Recq, M. (1992b). Deep structure of the Southern Kerguelen Plateau. In Annales Geophysicae, page C74. European Geophysical Society.
  64. Operto, S., Charvis, P., and Recq, M. (1992c). Lateral inhomogeneities within the Kerguelen Plateau. In Annales Geophysicae}, page C74. European Geophysical Society.
  65. Operto, S., Charvis, P., and Recq, M. (1992d). Structure du plateau de Kerguelen. In Abstract book, page C74. Société Géologique de France.
  66. Operto, S., Charvis, P., Glangeaud, F., and Vanpé, J.~M. (1992a). P- and {S}- waves velocity structure of an oceanic crust from 3-component {OBS} data. In  Annales Geophysicae, page C22. European Geophysical Society.